Monday, September 19, 2011


hey peopleeee... headache is killing meeee. ggggrrssh. :( . nasib baik tkde class dah arini. and td, my clsmates, kety, ain, hafiz n fizah ajak kua. tp berat hati nih nak pegy. wasting my money and plus i got headache. once i got headache, mmg APA PON TAK BOLEEEE. huhu.

my life in shah alam sometimes ok sometimes tak. bile time ok tu, bile g class la. tu tkpela, mcm routine. and bile dh abis class. sometimes trus jd blur n sorang sorang. tido pon mostly sorang sorang. nk dinner dgn orang pon nk ajak someone. kinda loser i think. but this is life. kite kene indepedent. yesh!

and baru kejap tadi, i called my mum. ingat nak crite crita la kat die. tp in the end, kene marah pulak. i know whut im suppose to do. im not the girl yg melilau tk tentu pasal. bukan ber social truk dekat cini. just pegy makan dgn my frens yg mmg dh lame kenal. tu je. bukan buat ape ape pon. bukannye simply dating dgn budak mane tah, mmg la takot.

my mum said tht mostly my fren adlah lelaki. ade jugak kan kawan perempuan. bukannye nk mgatal ape pon.

haih, tktau cmne nk bagi my mum percaya kat i dah. she will probably asking me every single thing bile i dh dkt shah alam. humph.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

new life in shah alam

hey people. welcome back..
and skrg im at cyber cafe.. sbb tak bawak broadband. wuwu. if balik umah sewa, nothing to do. huhu.

so.. now, mlm tadi this is my first time tido dekat shah alam. and it ws quite okay laa. sejuk je. hehe. tdo alone bcoz my roomate balik rumah. hehe. so, i pon buat hal sendiri je. tk kua pon. and malam, kua g dinner with my fren. (: .

im happy with my life now. eventhough ade gangguan, tp i haf to be tough and think about whut he had done to me. its sucks!

and takkan i have to saty alone and bersedih je.. yucky! im not iryani like you used to know before.

and today for the classes. it was good also. and the lecturers sgt cool best. (: . hopefully okay sampai abis sem. hehe. my timetable for wednesday pack jugak la. dr pagi till mlm. huhu.

okay, thats all for today. goodbye bitches!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

still the same

hello.. hurm,saje ttb tringin nak tulis bloq nih. sbb hri hari terakhir nak start sem. okay, it 2mrw. and sgt nervous. i dunno why. mmg tk ready 100%. still blur blur lg. grr. hope boleh tempuhi dgn okay.kali ni, bile dh strt sem, of coz sume bende nk baru. bagi saye, yg paling penting adalah hati yg baru.

i know i've been hurt so many times tp i still tabah and skrg, diri aku makin kuat. aku tau aku terlalu berlembut dgn org, smpi org pijak kepala. so rite now, im not iryani yg dulu anymore. dulu boleh la asyik bercinta, yg takde tujuan or anything. sumenye fantasy. suke hati kau la nak buat ape pon, asal kan kau bahagia. im not mad, bcoz dh biase and aku jugak, tak sedih ape yg berlaku. aku bukan pmpuan yg nangis nangis sedyh bile ditinggalkan bf die. NO .

but thnks. ape yg pernah kau ckp, or bagi sume bende yg tipu. whats the point nak stay dgn aku pon tktau. aku hanya dipergunakan. aku tau. pandai gak amik hati yeh. suke hati kau la. aku tk kisah pon.

ingat die sorang je ke dlm idup aku. ramai lagy yg real, yg aku boleh nmpk dgn mata aku sendiri lelaki yg perfect untuk aku. and im not waiting for you pon.

org bodoh je stay dgn lelaki mcm kau. sume tu tipu.and lastly jgn harap nk maafkan kau lagy. kau adalah lelaki paling keji yg aku pernah knl. stupid dick!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


hye bloggers. hehe. arini terbangun awal pulak. padahal last nite tido kul 2, bergayut with my love ones . and skrg still blur blur lag. tp, nak gak tulis bout whut had happened last nite. the moment that rasenye akan ingat smpi bile bile. its been ages tk bertemu with my bessssst frens time primary till now, or formally known as Y8. and yeah, why we called it as Y8? sbnrnye 'WHY 8' . hahaha, and we dunno why, hahaha, sengaal.

bende yg unplanned slalo nye jadi trus. kitorg dah bertahun tahun plan untuk jumpe sume 8 8 tk berkesempatan, slalu yg boleh kua pon dlm 4 to 5 people je. so mcm tk lengkap. but last nite, sume addeeeee!!! and we were so damn excited to see each other! SERIOUSLY rindddduu gile weh.

meet up dkt satay station, ( tk nek keta, bcoz i dunno the direction of tht place. gedik tak tknk try ? ). so, my bestest fren, syera fetch me at lrt station, hehe.

smpai sane, and agak ramai gak kat ctu, tp kitorg dh booking tmpt, and duduk dlm mcm rumah, and ade meja bulat sume. so kene bersimpuh bagai. hehe. asyik gelak gelak, and masing masing tk sabar nk cite bout diri masing masing. and mcm dulu dulu, kitorg slalo cite start from the eldest one between us. ikot bulan la. ;p.

pegy sane around 8.30pm cmtu, and tot nk kene balik around 10 lbh, bcoz takot tk dpt nek lrt. tapi disebbkan nak dgr cite lagy, yg tak habis habis lagy, my other fren, ria offer diri untuk anta i balik umah. so, okaay. smbung cite cite lgy. mmg seronok bile kumpul balik sampai sakit pinggang, bontot and ade semut semut dkt kaki, hehe.

we all talk bout everything, bout love life, family, and study. rindu dh lame tk buat cmni, cite cite cmni. still ingat lagy, at tht time, dkt skolah, and bile ade one of us ade problem, then sume kumpul dkt bilik akses, mcm buat meeting pulak, dgr luahan hati die. hahaaha. gile bersemngat tak kitorg? ;p.

really missed tht moment. huhu. then, around 12 kot kitorg balik. and bile nk berpisah tu, maisng masing cam nangis.. bile lagy boleh berkumpul lengkap cm ni. :(

and for tht, i'll give you a very special picture. jgn gelak ok! perubahan. ngehee!LOVE

FROM left gmba bwh berdiri : same position ( ME ), INTAN, ALIA, NINA
FROM left gmba bwh duduk : syera, ria, kay, zale.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


heylloo.. selamat hari raya to all! hows ur raya? makan banyak tak? hehe. guess what? this raye, saye tidak mkan keterlaluan seperti taun taun sebelumnye,hehe. miracle.;p. ala, raya pon 5 umah je pon, and raye pon just 1st raya.. so saaadd.. :/ . the 2nd day, just tk pegy mane, and suddenly mereka ajak ke spore. and my heart ttb ter stop! tersentap bcoz i tot sume tk ke mane. so, mr.k and his family nak turun kl nak beraya umah. then, rase mcm alamaaaaaak! shud i tell mama bout this or whut?? im soo damn confused! seriously down gile time tu, mcm rase guilty gila. if bgtau awal, for sure, they will wait for them to come. tapiii.. ni bukan perkara biasa.. :( . then, kitorg pon just drive trus ke selatan.. :( . b4 that, singgah kat pak abas, alor gajah, mlk, jumpe my daddy's fren. ( time ni mcm rindu gile jalan jalan kat mlk dulu..)> aww, reaally missed that! <3 . then, trus ke jb, check in hotel berdekatan dgn jb central. ( and the place was soo.. scaryy.. the people n the environment sgt menakutkan. ). tp, tkpela, kite just stay kat hotel je.

then, tomrrw morning, bertolak g spore. cop cop passport sume. and gbye jhr, and hello spore! bile dh sampai spore, happy balik. but not 100% happy pon, huhu. bcoz tringat mr. k n his family. wuwu. xpelaaa.

kali ni g spore, tk nek flight, or cab. and from woodlands checkpoint ( tmpt 1st ) nk g orchard road sgtttttt jaaaaauhh. tp kitorg nek bus yg stop stop tuh. perrrrgggghh, bapak lameeee gileeee duduk dlm bus. then, dgn budak skolah baru balik lagi. jem pulok. mmg tk rase kat spore lagi, haih. huhu.

once dh smpi orchard, baru feel like yeaaaay dh ade dkt sporeeee!! and bru la nmpk shopping2 complex sumeeeeee.. and then, strt laaa shopping. jalan kaki along orchard road, then patah balik. mmg kene pakai shoes or sandal yg paling selesa. if tak, mmg melecet. huhu.

then, shopping till mlm, and nek the last bus ke jb ( hotel ) balik. sgtttt pntttt!!! . and oh! time kat spore, tk dpt nk msg msg or cl dgn org. grrrr. tahaaan hati n perasaan je nih. rm1 per sms, and rm3 per call. tu dia eeeh! then nk jugak msg tu, hehe. sbb rindu kt die. wee. turun rm1 pon tkpela, and haf to la type pjng2 dlm msg, nk bagi taknak rugi anta msg. hehehe. and so, cute bile mr K reply pon pjg2. tk pernah pernah die reply pjg2 cmtu, hahahaaha. so fuunnyy! ;p.

hurrrm, then, esoknye pulak, pegy balik spore. huhuh. kali ni, nek MRT pulak. thi time, rase selesa sket, and cpt skt smpi. huhu. and bile perhatikan org org spore, nmpk style style gile. even bangla yg stay sane pon npk smrt. pakai iphone pulak sume org. nenek g pasar pn pakai iphone. gila. haha. then, semangat kakak saye untuk mmbeli iphone, smakin mmbara. sudah rase terbakar. haha. ;p. and another thing, saye respect sbb, dorg nih jenis suke buat bende cepat2, sme nk rush rush je. seriously. jalan laju gile. nek escltr pon kemain lagy, " EXCUSE ME! ". hahaha, so have to give way. nek nek escltr, trus kene duduk left side. hahahah.

tp ade gak yg cina mcm kuang ajar. mcm men tolak tolak je, sbb nk cepat cepat sgt. boooooo! huhu.

ok, enough cite bout them... huh. back to the main story, g spore, tp tkdela bli byk byk barang pon, bli ap yg perlu sajeee.. eceyy. ;p . after that, balik jb balik, check out, and nk balik kl. but then, ade family drama berlaku smpila umah. :(

then, bile dh smpi umah, rse relief and trus back to nrmal life. hehe. msg msg balik dgn mr .k. and bile tk jdi jumpe 3rd raye, then promise dtg weekend tu. tapi malangnye, die and family demam... sedey sgt tk dpt nk jumpe jugak. :( . bcoz rse mcm time raye la, dpt jumpe ibu n adik die skali. tp tk dpt jugak. then, now this week pulak nak jumpe. hopefully sgt sgt dpt jumpe die, and nk beraya skali dgn die b4 strt sem. jumpe dkt shah alm pon tkpe. saye sanggup!!!! huhu.

hurm, orite then. byk pulak. ckp nieh. hehe. okla, selamat hari raya aidilfitri, maaf zahir batin sume. sorry for wrong doing spjg blog2 ini, hehe. muaaah. and oh, this is me time raye. cute kan? hahhaa. ok ok byeee. (:

Thursday, August 25, 2011


guten morgen everyone! eh, ade org tu sebut " morgen guten!" , hahahah. comel sgt. and selamat berpuasa juge kpd yg berpuasa.

today, i didn't go to work. having really bad punye period pain. erk! tapi pagi td sempat buat yoga kejap. haha.

okay, so this morning, just want to share something. nk story bout someone yang first time in my life, he makes me so into him.

hurm, i don't want to talk bout the past.. and rite now, i can see that die slowly dah berubah untuk saye. wpun i couldn't see him 'clearly', tp the way he act sedikit sebyk ade peningkatan.

i knw and tk ramai kawan saye suke kat die. but, smpi skrg my love towards him dah makin tahap max dah. and bru skrg die berani bgtau the truth about why he couldn't see me. he lost his confident n he scared about his own attitude. and now i understand. and guess what i still give him a chance to show it to me.

this year, i guess dh byk bende yg tak berahsia berahsia dah dgn die. ade that day, bergadoh teruk dgn die, and i decided not to pick up his phone or reply his messages. die merayu rayu sume. tp kesian pulak. tapi bagus jugak. sbb boleh nmpk die serious ke tak dgn kite.

and dlm minggu tu jugak, bile dh baik balik, die kate nk anta something. and tak sangka bende yg die nk anta tu sampai betol betol. sgt tak sangka. ttb, posmen dtg, and bwk kua kotak. time tu mmg rase sooooooo damn exciteddd!!!. SERIOUSLY. and guess whut? die bagi the most bambam teddy bear i've ever had. actually this is my first time dpt teddy bear from a guy. tak pernah pulak laki bagi bagi present cmni. sweeeeeett kaaaannn!!!!!! siap skali dgn card lagi. huhuhu. terharu sgt.

and the story goes on, until today, kitorg still ok balik. mcm tk boleh kalau tkde die. love him so much.

p/s : to mr.K, i hope we cud meet this raya.. :( . and kite boleh raya same.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

guten morgen!!!

hello and assalamualaikum ..

today, i didn't go to work. i feel so sick. nak bernafas pon sebelah lubang idung je. and rse rse mcm sakit kepala sket. grr. :( . arini, im just stay at home with my lovely bunny, BEN. Ben yang smlm ku marah marah sbb die slalu gigit wayar. mcm2 wayar dah die gigit. charger la ape la. humpphh!! purse aku pon abis keliling die gigit. wtf. nvm, geram geram pon, i still love him! i love u ben. :*. do you guys wanna see him? die ni takla gemuk sgt. bru beberape bulan je pon umur die. tk sampai setaun lagi. tak ingat la umur die bape, heheh. ;p.

tapi skrg, die tgh dlm peringkat nk gf. fuyoo.. nak jugaaakk leteeww.. hehe. yg slalu kene attack dgn die adalah kele ( my sister ). haha! tapi nnt bile dh carik gf kat ben, ttb ben tak suke pulak, die ckp, " euuww. SHE'S NOT MY TYPE..". hahahhaaha. pon boleeyy!

tapi die ni okla, berak n ching ching pon tak merata. he knows where is exactly the place that he should pee and pu'uk! haha.

ok, i think thats all for today. happy fasting !!! (:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

my fav song!

I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete

Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute, why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know

Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute, why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go? So why don't we go?

Oh, this could be the end of everything
So why don't we go somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know
Somewhere only we know

p/s : to DANIAL HAKIMI. this is for you, sayang.

hello peeps!

hello and happy ramadhan to all. im new here! wuhoo. a big thnks to my chukky chukky bunny hunny sbb force me to create blog. grr! ;p. nvm,i'll try my best to update selalu this lovely blog. muaaaaaah! love ya.