Monday, September 19, 2011


hey peopleeee... headache is killing meeee. ggggrrssh. :( . nasib baik tkde class dah arini. and td, my clsmates, kety, ain, hafiz n fizah ajak kua. tp berat hati nih nak pegy. wasting my money and plus i got headache. once i got headache, mmg APA PON TAK BOLEEEE. huhu.

my life in shah alam sometimes ok sometimes tak. bile time ok tu, bile g class la. tu tkpela, mcm routine. and bile dh abis class. sometimes trus jd blur n sorang sorang. tido pon mostly sorang sorang. nk dinner dgn orang pon nk ajak someone. kinda loser i think. but this is life. kite kene indepedent. yesh!

and baru kejap tadi, i called my mum. ingat nak crite crita la kat die. tp in the end, kene marah pulak. i know whut im suppose to do. im not the girl yg melilau tk tentu pasal. bukan ber social truk dekat cini. just pegy makan dgn my frens yg mmg dh lame kenal. tu je. bukan buat ape ape pon. bukannye simply dating dgn budak mane tah, mmg la takot.

my mum said tht mostly my fren adlah lelaki. ade jugak kan kawan perempuan. bukannye nk mgatal ape pon.

haih, tktau cmne nk bagi my mum percaya kat i dah. she will probably asking me every single thing bile i dh dkt shah alam. humph.

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