Wednesday, September 14, 2011

new life in shah alam

hey people. welcome back..
and skrg im at cyber cafe.. sbb tak bawak broadband. wuwu. if balik umah sewa, nothing to do. huhu.

so.. now, mlm tadi this is my first time tido dekat shah alam. and it ws quite okay laa. sejuk je. hehe. tdo alone bcoz my roomate balik rumah. hehe. so, i pon buat hal sendiri je. tk kua pon. and malam, kua g dinner with my fren. (: .

im happy with my life now. eventhough ade gangguan, tp i haf to be tough and think about whut he had done to me. its sucks!

and takkan i have to saty alone and bersedih je.. yucky! im not iryani like you used to know before.

and today for the classes. it was good also. and the lecturers sgt cool best. (: . hopefully okay sampai abis sem. hehe. my timetable for wednesday pack jugak la. dr pagi till mlm. huhu.

okay, thats all for today. goodbye bitches!

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