Wednesday, September 7, 2011


hye bloggers. hehe. arini terbangun awal pulak. padahal last nite tido kul 2, bergayut with my love ones . and skrg still blur blur lag. tp, nak gak tulis bout whut had happened last nite. the moment that rasenye akan ingat smpi bile bile. its been ages tk bertemu with my bessssst frens time primary till now, or formally known as Y8. and yeah, why we called it as Y8? sbnrnye 'WHY 8' . hahaha, and we dunno why, hahaha, sengaal.

bende yg unplanned slalo nye jadi trus. kitorg dah bertahun tahun plan untuk jumpe sume 8 8 tk berkesempatan, slalu yg boleh kua pon dlm 4 to 5 people je. so mcm tk lengkap. but last nite, sume addeeeee!!! and we were so damn excited to see each other! SERIOUSLY rindddduu gile weh.

meet up dkt satay station, ( tk nek keta, bcoz i dunno the direction of tht place. gedik tak tknk try ? ). so, my bestest fren, syera fetch me at lrt station, hehe.

smpai sane, and agak ramai gak kat ctu, tp kitorg dh booking tmpt, and duduk dlm mcm rumah, and ade meja bulat sume. so kene bersimpuh bagai. hehe. asyik gelak gelak, and masing masing tk sabar nk cite bout diri masing masing. and mcm dulu dulu, kitorg slalo cite start from the eldest one between us. ikot bulan la. ;p.

pegy sane around 8.30pm cmtu, and tot nk kene balik around 10 lbh, bcoz takot tk dpt nek lrt. tapi disebbkan nak dgr cite lagy, yg tak habis habis lagy, my other fren, ria offer diri untuk anta i balik umah. so, okaay. smbung cite cite lgy. mmg seronok bile kumpul balik sampai sakit pinggang, bontot and ade semut semut dkt kaki, hehe.

we all talk bout everything, bout love life, family, and study. rindu dh lame tk buat cmni, cite cite cmni. still ingat lagy, at tht time, dkt skolah, and bile ade one of us ade problem, then sume kumpul dkt bilik akses, mcm buat meeting pulak, dgr luahan hati die. hahaaha. gile bersemngat tak kitorg? ;p.

really missed tht moment. huhu. then, around 12 kot kitorg balik. and bile nk berpisah tu, maisng masing cam nangis.. bile lagy boleh berkumpul lengkap cm ni. :(

and for tht, i'll give you a very special picture. jgn gelak ok! perubahan. ngehee!LOVE

FROM left gmba bwh berdiri : same position ( ME ), INTAN, ALIA, NINA
FROM left gmba bwh duduk : syera, ria, kay, zale.

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