Sunday, September 4, 2011


heylloo.. selamat hari raya to all! hows ur raya? makan banyak tak? hehe. guess what? this raye, saye tidak mkan keterlaluan seperti taun taun sebelumnye,hehe. miracle.;p. ala, raya pon 5 umah je pon, and raye pon just 1st raya.. so saaadd.. :/ . the 2nd day, just tk pegy mane, and suddenly mereka ajak ke spore. and my heart ttb ter stop! tersentap bcoz i tot sume tk ke mane. so, mr.k and his family nak turun kl nak beraya umah. then, rase mcm alamaaaaaak! shud i tell mama bout this or whut?? im soo damn confused! seriously down gile time tu, mcm rase guilty gila. if bgtau awal, for sure, they will wait for them to come. tapiii.. ni bukan perkara biasa.. :( . then, kitorg pon just drive trus ke selatan.. :( . b4 that, singgah kat pak abas, alor gajah, mlk, jumpe my daddy's fren. ( time ni mcm rindu gile jalan jalan kat mlk dulu..)> aww, reaally missed that! <3 . then, trus ke jb, check in hotel berdekatan dgn jb central. ( and the place was soo.. scaryy.. the people n the environment sgt menakutkan. ). tp, tkpela, kite just stay kat hotel je.

then, tomrrw morning, bertolak g spore. cop cop passport sume. and gbye jhr, and hello spore! bile dh sampai spore, happy balik. but not 100% happy pon, huhu. bcoz tringat mr. k n his family. wuwu. xpelaaa.

kali ni g spore, tk nek flight, or cab. and from woodlands checkpoint ( tmpt 1st ) nk g orchard road sgtttttt jaaaaauhh. tp kitorg nek bus yg stop stop tuh. perrrrgggghh, bapak lameeee gileeee duduk dlm bus. then, dgn budak skolah baru balik lagi. jem pulok. mmg tk rase kat spore lagi, haih. huhu.

once dh smpi orchard, baru feel like yeaaaay dh ade dkt sporeeee!! and bru la nmpk shopping2 complex sumeeeeee.. and then, strt laaa shopping. jalan kaki along orchard road, then patah balik. mmg kene pakai shoes or sandal yg paling selesa. if tak, mmg melecet. huhu.

then, shopping till mlm, and nek the last bus ke jb ( hotel ) balik. sgtttt pntttt!!! . and oh! time kat spore, tk dpt nk msg msg or cl dgn org. grrrr. tahaaan hati n perasaan je nih. rm1 per sms, and rm3 per call. tu dia eeeh! then nk jugak msg tu, hehe. sbb rindu kt die. wee. turun rm1 pon tkpela, and haf to la type pjng2 dlm msg, nk bagi taknak rugi anta msg. hehehe. and so, cute bile mr K reply pon pjg2. tk pernah pernah die reply pjg2 cmtu, hahahaaha. so fuunnyy! ;p.

hurrrm, then, esoknye pulak, pegy balik spore. huhuh. kali ni, nek MRT pulak. thi time, rase selesa sket, and cpt skt smpi. huhu. and bile perhatikan org org spore, nmpk style style gile. even bangla yg stay sane pon npk smrt. pakai iphone pulak sume org. nenek g pasar pn pakai iphone. gila. haha. then, semangat kakak saye untuk mmbeli iphone, smakin mmbara. sudah rase terbakar. haha. ;p. and another thing, saye respect sbb, dorg nih jenis suke buat bende cepat2, sme nk rush rush je. seriously. jalan laju gile. nek escltr pon kemain lagy, " EXCUSE ME! ". hahaha, so have to give way. nek nek escltr, trus kene duduk left side. hahahah.

tp ade gak yg cina mcm kuang ajar. mcm men tolak tolak je, sbb nk cepat cepat sgt. boooooo! huhu.

ok, enough cite bout them... huh. back to the main story, g spore, tp tkdela bli byk byk barang pon, bli ap yg perlu sajeee.. eceyy. ;p . after that, balik jb balik, check out, and nk balik kl. but then, ade family drama berlaku smpila umah. :(

then, bile dh smpi umah, rse relief and trus back to nrmal life. hehe. msg msg balik dgn mr .k. and bile tk jdi jumpe 3rd raye, then promise dtg weekend tu. tapi malangnye, die and family demam... sedey sgt tk dpt nk jumpe jugak. :( . bcoz rse mcm time raye la, dpt jumpe ibu n adik die skali. tp tk dpt jugak. then, now this week pulak nak jumpe. hopefully sgt sgt dpt jumpe die, and nk beraya skali dgn die b4 strt sem. jumpe dkt shah alm pon tkpe. saye sanggup!!!! huhu.

hurm, orite then. byk pulak. ckp nieh. hehe. okla, selamat hari raya aidilfitri, maaf zahir batin sume. sorry for wrong doing spjg blog2 ini, hehe. muaaah. and oh, this is me time raye. cute kan? hahhaa. ok ok byeee. (:

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